ProgramINALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins AMPHI-8 (4th floor)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Course description Dorothy Edgington Birbeck College, University of London Our ability to think conditional thoughts is of great importance for both practical and theoretical reasoning. But the nature of this ability, and of conditional judgements, is a controversial subject in philosophy, linguistics, cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. These lectures are about the philosophy of conditionals. Lectures 1 to 3 are at an introductory level. Lecture 4 is about my most recent work. Lecture 1. Understanding conditionals in terms of truth conditions I will first discuss the truth-functional account, its merits and faults, and the pragmatic defence of this account due to H. P. Grice ((5), essay VIII). I shall then discuss the non-truth-functional truth conditions provided by possible-worlds semantics (Stalnaker, (5) essays II and VII). Lecture 2. Understanding conditionals in terms of probability Conditionals are often uncertain, and any theory should account for uncertain conditional judgements. Probability theory has its own conditional concept: that of a conditional probability. Since the work Frank Ramsey and Bruno de Finetti, and later Ernest Adams, the view has emerged that this is the best tool for understanding how close to certain a person is that if A, B. This turns out to be incompatible with construing conditionals as propositions with truth conditions. (See (5): Lewis, Essay IV, and Edgington Essay IX; Edgington (2), (3)). Lecture 3. Counterfactuals Consider conditionals like ‘If she had had the operation she would have survived. How different are these from open conditionals like ‘If she has the operation she will survive’? Some philosophers treat the counterfactual/subjunctive form as radically different from the open/indicative form, for example, David Lewis (1973). Others argue for a unified theory of conditionals, with relatively minor differences between the two. Does some extension of the idea that conditionals are assessed by conditional probability apply to counterfactuals? For early theories of counterfactuals, see (5): Goodman, Essay I and Lewis Essay III. Lecture 4. Conditionals with false antecedents, and indeterminacy This is recent work. Consider uncertain conditionals like ‘If you pick a red ball, it will have a black spot’; ‘If you approach, the dog will bite’; ‘If you have the operation, you will be cured’. Let each of these have a probability of say 90%. Now suppose the antecedent proves false. The probabilities are still in good order: it’s 90% likely that if you had picked a red ball, it would have a black spot, etc.. But, very often, there is no fact of the matter about which red ball you would have picked, whether the dog would have bitten if you had approached, whether you would have been cured if you had had the operation. These are probabilities without outcomes. I develop a theory of this indeterminacy, and hope to show that it provides a way that conditionals may be given truth conditions after all, even though their truth value is often indeterminate. Readings (1) Bennett, Jonathan, A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals. Oxford: OUP 2003. Igor Douven CNRS, University of Sorbonne, Paris, France Title: Conditional and Inferential Connections
Stefan Kaufmann University of Connecticut, USA 1. Modals and conditionals in linguistic theory. This part covers the fundamentals of the Kratzer-style approach to conditionals, the standard in linguistics and a crucial player in contemporary debates on conditional semantics. The main ingredients are the two-parameter quantificational analysis of modality and the restrictor analysis of 'if'-clauses. We discuss some of their motivation, their relationship to other approaches, their strengths and weaknesses, and recent debates in which they figured prominently. 2. Tense and temporal reference in indicative conditionals. Most of the debates surrounding the temporal makeup of conditionals are concerned with "subjunctive" or "X-marked" conditionals. Those will be covered elsewhere in this program; here we focus on the interpretation of "indicative" conditionals. They are generally deemed less problematic (or less interesting) in terms of temporal interpretation, but we will see that the interplay between temporality and modality that they exhibit is far from trivial. 3. Variety and unity in temporal form and interpretation. We will build on the discussion of indicatives from the previous unit to discuss extensions of the framework introduced there in two directions: to different languages and to subjunctive conditionals. The focus will be on Germanic languages and on Japanese, but participants are encouraged to contribute their own data. 4. Specialty conditionals. This part covers interpretations arising with particular forms or in special contexts. Possible topics (subject to audience requests): unconditionals; conditionalized imperatives and deontic modals; anankastic conditionals; conditional interpretations of other forms (such as expressions of temporal precedence).
John Mackay University of Wisconsin (1) Past Tense in Subjunctive Conditionals: Subjunctive conditionals, despite their name, are commonly marked by the presence of past tense. Yet they do not always describe past events, and at least on the surface, the difference between indicative and subjunctive conditionals does not appear to be a temporal one. We will examine different ways of explaining these phenomena. Some theorists argue that subjunctive conditionals involve a “fake” past tense that receives a modal interpretation. Others argue that it is interpreted in the standard temporal way. We will look at ways of implementing both strategies, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of both. (2) Mood, Tense and Actuality: When an indicative clause is embedded inside a subjunctive conditional, that clause is evaluated at the actual world, rather than at the counterfactual worlds relevant to the overall conditional. In some other environments, embedded indicative clauses are not evaluated at the actual world. We will examine how tense and mood interact with actuality in conditionals. One of the central themes will be whether tense can play a role traditionally thought to be played by an actuality operator. (3) Presupposition and Assertion: We will examine ways in which tense and mood in conditionals interact with presupposition and assertion. For example, we will look at how indicative and subjunctive conditionals have different assertoric effects, and how they interact with the context in different ways. We will consider how tense affects presuppositions in conditionals, and different theories of presupposition projection. Readings: (1) chapter 1 of David Lewis (1973), “Counterfactuals”
(2) Angelika Kratzer (1981), “The Notional Theory of Modality”
(3) Sabine Iatridou (2000), “The Grammatical Ingredients of Counterfactuality”
David E. Over Nicole Cruz The psychology of conditionals Abstract: Conditionals – indicative, counterfactual, deontic, and others – are central to the study of reasoning in linguistics, logic, philosophy, and psychology. These classes will cover the history of research on conditionals in the psychology of reasoning, and will introduce new Bayesian and probabilistic approaches, which have recently had a major impact on psychological theories about, and experiments on, human reasoning in general and conditional reasoning in particular. The new approaches recognize that most of this reasoning takes places in contexts of uncertainty. Most human inferences are not from arbitrary assumptions, but rather from uncertain premises, and lead finally to belief revision and updating. A central topic in this new research has been the hypothesis, originally proposed in logic and philosophy, that the probability of the natural language conditional, P(if p then q), is the conditional probability of q given p, P(q|p). This relationship, P(if p then q) = P(q|p), is fundamental in a Bayesian account of reasoning, and the latest research on it will be introduced and examined.
The psychology of conditional reasoning Outline of the classes Class 1: Introduction Traditional psychology of reasoning studied binary reasoning from assumptions. The new Bayesian approaches are belief-based and probabilistic, and study the dynamic process of belief revision and updating. The importance of studying conditionals in the psychology of reasoning, and the different types of conditional in natural language: indicative, counterfactual, deontic, and others. Experiments in the psychology of reasoning will be introduced, and the material conditional of truth-functional logic. A critical examination of the most prominent traditional accounts of the conditional in the psychology of reasoning: mental model theories of the conditional Class 2: Significant early experiments The reasons for taking a probabilistic approach to the study of reasoning: most human reasoning is not from arbitrary assumptions, but from uncertain premises. The premises are uncertain beliefs or are possibilities relevant to decision making, and the results are belief revision or updating, and effective decisions. Studying Modus Ponens (MP) and Modus Tollens (MT) in the psychology of reasoning, and uncertainty and "suppression" in reasoning. The conjunction fallacy is an example of inference from uncertain premises to uncertain conclusions. The selection task, the most famous early experiment on conditionals, and what it tells us about them. Class 3: Ramsey and de Finetti The "defective" truth table and conditional assertions, and conditional bets and "void" conditionals. The Ramsey test and the Equation, the conditional probability hypothesis, that the probability of the conditional is the conditional probability: P(if p then q) = P(q|p). Stalnaker's theory of the conditional and Lewis's proof that the Equation must fail for conditionals of this type. The de Finetti tables and the Jeffrey table for the conditional have "void" outcomes, or the conditional probability itself as a value. Class 4: Bayesian psychology of reasoning The Equation / the conditional probability hypothesis is fundamental in Bayesian approaches to the psychology of conditionals. A conditional that satisfies the Equation has been called a "probability conditional", or the "conditional event". The Ramsey test and the de Finetti / Jeffrey tables provide underlying support for Bayesian approaches. Some experiments that provide support for the conditional probability hypothesis will be covered. The Dutch book arguments as the deepest underlying justification of the Bayesian approaches. Binary consistency will be generalized to coherence and coherence intervals, and binary validity to probabilistic validity, p-validity. There will be a brief introduction to the possible differences between indicative and counterfactual conditionals, and students will be able to take part in an experiment on counterfactuals. Classes 5: More on counterfactuals More points will be made about counterfactuals, and the results of the experiment will be presented and discussed.
Introductory readings: (1) Elqayam, S., & Over, D. E. (2013). New paradigm psychology of reasoning: An introduction to the special issue edited by S. Elqayam, J.F. Bonnefon, & D. E. Over. Thinking & Reasoning, 19, 249-265. (2) Evans, J. St. B. T., Thompson, V., & Over, D. E. (2015). Uncertain deduction and conditional reasoning. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 398. (3) Over, D. E., & Cruz, N. (2018). Probabilistic accounts of conditional reasoning. In Linden J. Ball and Valerie A. Thompson (Eds.), International handbook of thinking and reasoning (pp. 434-450). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. |